Homework is not an optional extra, but an essential part of a good education.
-1999 White Paper, Excellence in Schools
Homework (remote learning) is work that is set to be done outside the timetabled curriculum. It contains an element of independent study in that it is not usually directly supervised by a teacher. It is important in raising student achievement.
Homework enhances student learning, improves achievement and develops students’ study skills and as such is an integral part of the curriculum. It requires careful planning and integration into the scheme of work of each curriculum area.
Homework enables students to:
- Increase motivation to succeed in each subject.
- Encourage curiosity and resilience across the curriculum.
- Consolidate and extend work covered in class or prepare for new learning activities.
- Access resources not available in the classroom.
- Develop research skills.
- Have an opportunity for independent work.
- Show progress and understanding.
- Provide feedback in the evaluation of teaching.
- Enhance study skills e.g. planning, time management and self-discipline.
- Take ownership and responsibility for learning.
- Engage parental co-operation and support.
- Create channels for home school dialogue.
Homework Overview:
Each subject will aim to set two retrieval based quizzes per half term, to be accessed and completed via google classroom. You need to open the quiz using a google browser or download google forms.
Departments will also aim to set a minimum of one additional homework during each half term to accompany the retrieval based quizzes. This will be specific to each department and relate to the key stage that students are currently studying. Further homework may be set by departments throughout the school year at their digression.
Expectations: When, how much and by whom?
High quality homework and a good work ethos should be sensitively praised in class. Rewards can be posted via ClassCharts.
The role of the student
- To listen to homework instructions in class and utilise each subject’s google classroom.
- To ensure that homework is completed and submitted to meet the deadline.
- To attempt all work and give their best.
- To inform the class teacher of any difficulties.
The role of the Form Tutor
- To include homework in student mentoring where appropriate.
- To support students with access and logins to google classroom.
- To respond to any generic questions or queries from their tutor’s parents concerning homework.
- To liaise with students’ teachers and parents regarding non-completion of homework.
The role of the Class Teacher
The class teacher controls the direction of homework and the nature of tasks undertaken.
The teacher will:
- Set homework according to their timetable on the relevant google classroom (KS4 once a week, KS3 minimum of once a fortnight).
- Homework will be set as ‘assignments’, clearly indicated with the title beginning ‘Homework’ on google classroom.
- Give full and comprehensive instructions in the assignment on google classroom.
- Set deadlines for completed work.
- Mark and return all homework promptly via google classroom.
- Provide feedback through a variety of mediums such as mote – individual and class voice notes, self-marking assessments, comments in google classroom.
- Provide help and support in lesson and remotely via google classroom.
The role of the Departmental Leader
- To monitor the quality of homework set.
- To assess the impact of the homework set on pupil progress and the curriculum.
Homework Club
After school Homework club is available to support students with their homework or issues relating to it. Each subject has a designated day that they will provide specialist support (on the timetable below) after school. However, students are welcome to attend S1 any day of the week for generic homework support with the teachers and departments available that day.
Upon arrival to homework club students must scan the QR code in the classroom to register or inform the teacher present that they are there for homework club so they can registered.